Brighton and Hove
Emergency Food Access Project
(March, 2023)
This study describes the experiences of a small cohort of Black racialised minority (BRM) people in Brighton and Hove, who are accessing food provision in the city.
Read the Emergency Food Access Research Project report here.

My Life in Brighton
A series of facilitated coffee mornings that, encouraged Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic people to discuss their experience of living and working in Brighton and Hove.

Healthwatch report on digital technology among ethnic minority elders
(May, 2024)
Bridging Change was involved in research in partnership with Healthwatch Brighton and Hove on ‘Understanding the use and attitudes of digital technology among ethnic minority elders in Brighton and Hove’.
Bridging Change recruited and facilitated interviews and focus groups and aided with the development of the topic guide. The research was funded by the NIHR Clinical Research Network in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Bridging Change NHS Workshop
(November, 2023)
Bridging Change was awarded a grant by NHS Sussex to deliver a face-to-face, 2.5-hour workshop in November 2023 with racialised minority communities based in Brighton and Hove. The event's aims were two-fold: to close the community engagement loop by feeding back to communities and to engage with the local communities.

Vaccine Equity Project
(June, 2022)
A report providing a snapshot of 20 people who identified as Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic and who were able to share their experience of COVID-19 vaccines.

The NHS, COVID – 19 and Lockdown: The Black, Asian, Minoritised Ethnic and Refugee Experience in Brighton and Hove
(September, 2020)
In July 2020, Trust for Developing Communities and five partners: Sussex Interpreting Services, Hangleton & Knoll Project, Voices in Exile, Network of International Women and Fresh Youth Perspectives, surveyed 310 people from Black, Asian, minoritised ethnic, refugee and migrant communities in Brighton and Hove to find out about their experiences of the NHS, Covid-19 and lockdown. Dr Anusree Biswas Sasidharan led the research which was funded by Sussex NHS Commissioners.

Community Voices
(October, 2024)
Community Voices Group (CVG) is a community forum set up to address inequalities experienced by people of colour in Brighton and Hove. It is led by Bridging Change in partnership with the Hanlgeton and Knoll Project and Sussex Interpreting Service

Men's Health Survey Report
(January, 2025)
Bridging Change conducted a men’s health survey with the Communities Health Inequalities Programme (CHIP). The survey began with demographic questions and then followed with questions on access to GPs and dentists, mental and physical health, medication, exercise, eating habits, and community interventions.

Reaching Out: building relationships to increase research impact
(December, 2021)
Since mid-2020, Bridging Change has been working with National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) partners in the southeast of England, along with community groups serving Black, Asian and minoritised communities. This led to the development of an online ‘Reaching Out’ event in June 2021.

Adur and Worthing Councils Minority Communities Engagement Report
(May, 2022)
This report was produced on behalf of Adur and Worthing Council as a part of the Contain Outbreak Management Fund. It represents a snapshot of the lives of minoritised ethnic respondents who engaged with this project within a relatively short time span and before the 2021 census. The individuals and groups taking part were keen to share their stories, ideas and frustrations. It provides suggestions of processes of future engagement and ideas generated by the community we spoke to.

Reaching Out: growing our understanding of the researched
(December, 2022)
In 2022, Bridging Change conducted two, in person, workshops for Black Asian and minoritised ethnic leaders and individuals in Brighton and Hove. The workshops aimed to capture their experience of health and social care research including challenges, barriers and the benefits of working in partnership with researchers.

VCSE and NHS Sussex Workshop Report
(September, 2024)
This report represents four workshops run across Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex (Chichester and Bognor Regis) with Black and racialised minority individuals and groups. It allowed NHS Sussex to meet with local communities to explain some of the insights they have gathered over the last three years and the opportunity to hear about some of the issues, concerns, challenges and barriers that Black and racialised minorities faced.

Coming soon
Women's Mosque Survey Report
This survey was involved with... and aimed to understand women's views and perspectives at the Mosque around GP services, their accessibility, access to different forms of health information, and areas that respondents found particularly helpful.